RPS Group, one of the UK’s leaders in cutting edge renewable domestic heating, has appointed specialist agency Frontier PR to raise awareness of the technology and its role in decarbonising homes, especially in social and affordable housing.
Based in Greater Manchester, the RPS Group is at the forefront of the push towards domestic renewable heat technology, which helps to decarbonise and improve the quality of thousands of homes, mostly for social landlords.
Reducing the carbon footprint of housing is seen by experts as one of the key strategies to help the UK meet its Net Zero targets.
Renewable heat technology, which includes the latest generation of heat source pumps, not only reduces carbon output, it is also more cost-efficient to run, which is why it has been embraced by the social housing sector.
Targeting the construction and social housing decision-makers, following an initial project, Frontier PR will now help to promote RPS as a thought-leader on issues including accelerating the decarbonisation of homes, helping residents adopt renewable heat technology, and addressing the skills shortage facing the sector.
Graham Rothwell, founder, and owner of RPS, said: “Frontier PR has demonstrated an expert grasp of the issues at the heart of the domestic renewables heating sector, so it was an easy decision to cement our working relationship.
“Frontier PR has impressed us with its ability to deliver great media coverage and quality marketing content, plus a willingness to work collaboratively with our customers and stakeholders.”
David Innes-Edwards, Managing Director of Frontier PR, said: “This is a very exciting opportunity to extend our relationship with the RPS Group. It is a market-leading and innovative business, driving the crucial environmental and sustainability agenda, and making homes and communities smarter, lower-carbon and more energy-efficient.
“Renewables heating is very topical at the moment, from national Government policy through to commentators. But it’s vital that the people doing the work – who are working with social landlords and tenants every day – have a voice on key issues. That’s why we are helping to build a though-leadership platform for RPS.”
Frontier PR specialises in the built environment sector, supporting businesses and organisations at the forefront of delivering more sustainable urban futures.
Clients include high-performance windows manufacturer NorDan UK, leading lighting manufacturer Whitecroft Lighting, and multi-national construction company Saint-Gobian.
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