How Frontier PR made NorDan UK an expert voice in sustainability in construction, reducing carbon and promoted higher building standards and benefits to key sectors, including social housing. Housing Who is NorDan UK?
Discover how Frontier PR made social landlord Sutton Housing Society front page news with ‘tall tales’ of rooftop homes.
Find out how Frontier PR developed Progress: Leadership in Housing, and encourage intelligent and ongoing dialogue with social housing's leaders on key issues such as welfare reform and intelligent rent collection.
Discover how Frontier PR positioned Whitecroft Lighting as the leading voice on innovation and sustainability in UK commercial lighting manufacturer, promoting the company’s excellence in healthcare, education and principles of business circularity and sustainability. Who is Whitecroft Lighting?
We turned around the negative media attention by engaging with key journalists and stakeholders with honesty and transparency.
How Frontier Public Relations used targeted research to connect a leading windows supplier to UK social housing with construction and housing mega-trends.
Discover how Frontier PR delivered an effective social landlords focused campaign for Guru Systems, raising awareness that smart, real-time district heat monitoring and metering is now readily available.
Discover how Frontier PR positioned Southway Housing Trust as a pioneering social landlord, leading on the decarbonisation of housing in the UK.
Discover how Frontier PR took a successful series of care-tec events online, and made webinars the centre of a highly-effective integrated marketing communications campaign.
Discover how Frontier PR secure 100 pieces of coverage in key trade and national media, with features, news stories and comment articles appearing in the likes of Inside Housing, The Guardian, and on Radio 4.
Discover how Frontier PR secured national and international print, broadcast and digital coverage that exposed Pavegen to well over 50 million views worldwide.
Discover how Frontier PR draw on its specialist knowledge of social housing to provide out-of-hours press office and crisis management support.
Frontier PRs strategic thinking and proactive approach have enabled us to successfully create and promote thought leadership content, resulting in positive coverage for our brand. I highly recommend Frontier PR for any PR-related assignments.
Marcelina Fila, Whitecroft Lighting
Frontier PR has been great at leading our PR and media relations and helped position us where we need to be – all done with the minimum of fuss and great professionalism.
Ian MacGregor, Sustain UK Ltd
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