The University of Bristol is conducting research into the role of electricity microgrids in powering social homes.
The University has compiled a survey for social landlords to better understand how community microgrids can benefit households, housing providers, developers and the environment.
A microgrid is a local, self-sufficient energy system that can connect with the main utility grid or operate independently and works within a specified geographical area.
It can be powered by renewable and carbon-based energy resources, including solar panels and wind turbines, and can be owned and managed by local communities.
The research will be used to help address fuel poverty in social and affordable housing by looking at the potential role of microgrids in new housing developments, while also creating social, environmental and economic value.
The survey will take approximately eight minutes to complete, and individuals will not identifiable and will be synthesised anonymously with others.
The research is being undertaken by Fred Ashford, under the supervision of Dr Hadi Abulrub and Prof Chris McMahon of the School of Civil, Aerospace and Design Engineering.
The research is sponsored by the University of Bristol for the purpose of degree award of MRes in Engineering with Management.
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