Discover how Frontier PR made social landlord Sutton Housing Society front page news with ‘tall tales’ of rooftop homes.
We turned around the negative media attention by engaging with key journalists and stakeholders with honesty and transparency.
Discover how Frontier PR positioned Southway Housing Trust as a pioneering social landlord, leading on the decarbonisation of housing in the UK.
Find out how Frontier PR developed Progress: Leadership in Housing, and encourage intelligent and ongoing dialogue with social housing's leaders on key issues such as welfare reform and intelligent rent collection.
Discover how Frontier PR draw on its specialist knowledge of social housing to provide out-of-hours press office and crisis management support.
Discover how Frontier PR secure 100 pieces of coverage in key trade and national media, with features, news stories and comment articles appearing in the likes of Inside Housing, The Guardian, and on Radio 4.
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