The homes are a mix of new build and refurbished flats, houses and bungalows, with stock being made up of market rent, shared ownership or supported housing schemes.
Arcon also acts as managing agents for two almshouse schemes in Chester and Stockport and a housing association scheme in Manchester.
Arcon’s ambitions for growth and diversification have seen new partnerships and alliances formed, both locally and nationally.
Arcon are members of the GM Providers Group, which is focusing on the development of a housing offer as part of the DevoManc Agenda.
Arcon has also signed up to PlaceShapers, a national group of community based housing organisations.
Arcon are also active partners in the Community Housing Associations (North West)Group, a support network focusing on housing issues with a more local emphasis.
To find out more about Arcon Housing Group please visit:
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