The third Progress – leadership in housing event of 2012, Progress West Midlands, took place on Friday, 5th October at Solihull Community Housing’s head offices.
The latest regional leadership forum, sponsored by housing intelligence provider Mobysoft and presented in association with Housing Magazine, focussed on the impact of forthcoming reforms to the UK welfare and benefits system.
Steve Boyd, Chief Executive of Solihull Community Housing (SCH), and Carole Hodson, Director of Customer Services at SCH, opened the event with keynote presentations addressing the event’s theme: ‘Welfare Reforms: Where next for Social Housing?’
The second half of the event offered the opportunity for group discussion on a range of associated topics, through roundtable discussions facilitated by Paul Field (Chief Executive of Sandwell Homes), Mike Brown (Chief Executive of Bromsgrove District Housing Trust) and Robert Gilham (Director of Customer Services at Walsall Housing Group).
Derek Steele, Managing Director of Progress’ sponsors Mobysoft, said: “Progress West Midlands was a great success, thanks to everyone who participated at the event. It was great to see so many regional leaders working together to establish best practise.”
Derek continues: “Progress has always aimed to provide social housing’s leaders with a forum for lively discussion and productive debate. The event could not have been timelier, as registered providers prepare for the effects of imminent welfare reforms.
“Mobysoft’s solutions are designed to improve efficiency and maintain revenue streams within housing organisations, which will become ever more crucial as the effects of welfare reforms are realised.”
Progress organisers, Frontier PR, have also recently been shortlisted for two CIPR Pride awards for the event – with the result to be announced in late November.
The next Progress leadership in housing event will take place at Two Rivers Housing in February, hosted by Chief Executive Garry King. For more information, visit, join the dedicated LinkedIn group, or follow Progress on Twitter.
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