Whether you’re changing systems and processes for staff, communicating re-structures, redundancies or mergers, implementing digital solutions for customers, or simply want to engage your workforce more meaningfully in the change process, effective communication has never been more critical.
Organisations that plan communications effectively – and that communicate clearly are the ones who are also more likely to embed change more quickly, and to bring their customers and teams with them, ensuring benefits are fully realised.
The change communications challenge
We recognise that the skills needed to manage complex change communications are likely to be uncharted territory for many in house teams and for some, additional support will be needed to bridge the gap.
At Frontier PR we have a team of specialist change communication experts, with significant experience of designing and delivering effective, integrated, change communications plans. Our experience includes providing communications support for organisational re-design, mergers, service outsourcing, service cessation, process and systems change, culture change, customer behavioural change and more. We have delivered at both a local and a national level.
Whether you want to tap into our expertise directly, or would like us to work closely with your in house team to transfer knowledge over time, we would be happy to hear from you.
For a free, no obligation, confidential discussion about your requirements, please contact us on 0161 306 8502 or email enq@frontierpr.co.uk
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